The open nature of the RISC-V ecosystem has allowed contributions from both academia and industry to lead to an unprecedented number of new hardware design proposals in a very short time span. Linux support is the key to enabling these new hardware options.
The primary objective of the RISC-V microconference at Plumbers is to initiate a community-wide discussion about the design problems/ideas for different Linux kernel features that will lead to a better, stable kernel for RISC-V.
Topics for this microconference include:
- The State of RISC-V Software
- Multi-level interrupt design in RISC-V
- Power Management in RISC-V
- RISC-V Platform Specification Kick-Off
- RISC-V Hypervisor Spec – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- Experiences from Andes Technology
If you’re interested in participating in this microconference or have other topics to propose, please contact Palmer Dabbelt ( or Atish Patra (
LPC will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from Tuesday, November 13 through Thursday, November 15.
We hope to see you there!