- Call for Participation
- Microconference Proposals – Add your suggestions to LPC Topics Wiki.
- Submitting discussion topics for approved Microconferences
- Submit a BoF Session
- Refereed Track Proposals
- Registration — See the ATTEND page for registration info
- Sponsor Linux Plumbers Conference
- Anti-Harassment Policy
If you want to follow our updates, see our contact page for details on LPC social media, mailing lists, and RSS feed.
Call for Participation
The 2016 Linux Plumbers Conference (LPC) will be held November 1-4 in Santa Fe, NM, USA, and we hope to see you there! To that end, we are pleased to announce the call for participation in this year’s conference. There are two ways for individuals to participate in Linux Plumbers Conference: Microconferences and Refereed Track Talks. Each is explained in more detail in the sections below.
Microconference Proposals
Microconferences are working sessions that are roughly three hours in length, each focused on a set of problems in the Linux system’s “plumbing”. Linux’s plumbing includes kernel subsystems, core libraries, windowing systems, media creation/playback, and so on, but microconference proposals focused on a given set of use cases are also welcome. For example, past microconferences included Android, Automotive, LLVM, Power-Efficient Scheduling, and Secure Boot, to name but a few. The list of currently accepted microconferences is on our schedule website (link will be live closer to the time).
Microconferences are an opportunity to gather key contributors and stakeholders together in one room for working sessions on open issues. We encourage microconference leaders to use the sessions to hold group discussions and aim at achieving resolutions to problems. Each session leader should present just enough background information to facilitate the discussion; this may include a few explanatory slides or an online notes session. Note that topics that are not open for discussion or which require significant slideware do not lend themselves well to the microconference format, so they should instead be submitted as proposals to the refereed track, or alternatively as a lightning talk. This allows the microconferences to focus on being productive working sessions.
If you or someone in your development community is willing to coordinate a set of discussions in a specific area, please propose a microconference. Note: finding a good organizer from your community may involve persuasion and cajoling; don’t hesitate to ask those with a proven handle on all the major issues in your area (this may be you!) and see if you can gather several sub-session leaders to act as facilitators for each sub-topic in your microconference.
Leading an LPC microconference can be a fun, exciting, and rewarding activity, but please make sure you read about the responsibilities of a microconference working session leader at
responsibilities of a microconference working session leader. If you have an idea for a good LPC microconference, and especially if you would like to lead a particular microconference, please add it to the LPC wiki Topics page.
Pre-Seeded MCs
This year, we have already seeded some popular and reoccurring themes in the LPC wiki Topics page. If you are interested in a particular topic and the microconference has no leader, sign up for the task!
Continuing for 2016: Wildcard Track
As with last year, we’re soliciting individual submissions to a Wildcard track. The idea is to see if there are enough like submissions to group them into a Microconference without having it formally proposed. Note, however, that by far your better option is to submit a formal Microconference proposal. If you are interested in submitting a discussion topic as part of the Wildcard track, please follow the instructions in the How to Submit Discussion Topics page, and add your topics to the Wildcard Microconference in the scheduling tool. Alternatively you can add your topics to the 2016 topics wiki, on the Wildcard Topics page.
Deadline: Microconference proposals are due as soon as possible, however we understand that with dynamic development, issues that need discussion can arise at any time. We will try to accommodate incoming proposals as well as we can, depending on the slots available. However our goal is to have an initial selection of Microconferences ready in July 2016.
If you have any issues or questions concerning microconferences, please contact us.
Submitting Discussion Topics for approved Microconferences
First, look through the list of accepted Microconferences and decide which one your proposal would best fit. Then read the instructions on this page on how to submit a discussion topic proposal.
BoF Proposals
Please submit BoF proposals following the instructions listed here. We will insert BoFs into the schedule as the conference approaches (and we know how many BoF time slots we have available).
Refereed Track Proposals
Refereed track presentations are single traditional presentations that are 50 minutes in length and should focus on a specific aspect of the “plumbing” in the Linux system. Examples of Linux “plumbing” include core kernel subsystems, core libraries, windowing systems, management tools, device support, media creation/playback, and so on. The best presentations are not about finished work, but rather problems, proposals, or proof-of-concept solutions that require face-to-face discussions and debate.
Linux Plumbers committee members will be reviewing all submitted sessions with The Linux Foundation, with the top plumbing-related talks being accepted for a refereed track which will run throughout the three days of Linux Plumbers Conference.
To submit a refereed track talk proposal follow the instructions here.
Key Dates for Refereed Presentation Submissions
Proposals are due by September 1, 2016 at 11:59PM CET.
Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection on September 22, 2016.
Slides are due by November 1, 2016.
If you have any issues or questions concerning submissions, please contact us. We look forward to hearing your proposals and to seeing you in Seattle!
Complimentary Event Passes For Speakers
Refereed Talks: Authors whose papers are accepted will receive a complementary attendee pass to the whole of Linux Plumbers Conference. Note: In the event that a refereed track talk has multiple presenters, only the primary speaker for a proposal will receive a complimentary pass for the event.
Microconferences: The leaders of each microconference will receive a total of three free passes to LPC that they can use for themselves or their sub-session leaders. The remaining sub-session leaders (if any) will receive the Early Bird discount for LPC. Note: The three free passes policy does not change in the event that a Microconference has more than one leader.
Sponsor Linux Plumbers Conference
Would you like the warm glow of knowing you’ve contributed financially to make Plumbers a success. Does your organization want to be seen giving back to the community tangibly? Then sponsoring the conference might be for you. We have a range of sponsorship opportunities outlined in the Sponsorship Prospectus. If one of them suits you, please contact us or follow the instructions in the prospectus.
Anti-Harassment/Discrimination Policy
The Linux Plumbers conference is a working conferences intended for professional networking and collaboration in the Linux community. Participants are expected to behave according to professional standards and in accordance with their employer’s policies on appropriate workplace behaviour.
While at the Linux Plumbers Conference or related social networking opportunities, attendees should not engage in discriminatory or offensive speech or actions regarding gender, sexuality, race, or religion. Speakers should be especially aware of these concerns.
We do not condone any statements by speakers contrary to these standards, and we reserve the right to deny entrance to any individual.
Please bring any concerns to to the immediate attention of a member of the Linux Plumbers Conference planning committee. We thank our attendees for their help in keeping the Linux Plumbers Conference professional, welcoming, and friendly.
This policy is derived from the Linux Foundation’s Code of Conduct which applies to all Linux Foundation events.