Overlays, connectors, plugins, overlay managers

Session information has not yet been published for this event.


One Line Summary

Ask questions about and make suggestions regarding overlays, connectors, plugins, overlay managers


There have been a number of proposed patches in the areas of overlays, connectors, plugins, and overlay managers this year. This is an oppportunity to ask questions about current status, to give input on use cases and needs, and to suggest where things should go. Maybe we will venture into the combinatorial problem.

  • NOTE: there are several key participants in these areas who will not be present. This session is deliberately scheduled to be short to avoid the temptation of trying to make decisions in their absence.


devicetree, overlay, overlay managers


  • 2004_12_29

    Frank Rowand

    Sony Mobile Communications


    Frank has meddled in the internals of several proprietary operating systems, but has been loyal to the Linux kernel since 1999. He has worked in many areas of technology, including performance, networking, platform support, drivers, real-time, and embedded. He is currently employed by Sony Mobile Communications.