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Dual Licensing
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One Line Summary
Current and Future Licensing Approach to the RDMA Subsystem Codebase
For historical reasons, many parts of the RDMA subsystem are dual licensed. This was done, primarily, at the request of the Open Fabrics Alliance (OFA). In the early days of RDMA-based networking, the OFA was instrumental in helping guide the development of the software that supported that technology. The members and contributors to that code base wanted licensing protection that would allow them to enhance the code for proprietary products without releasing their optimizations, and/or provide solutions on non-Linux Operating Systems. The success of RDMA-based technology has resulted in a very different landscape, making the previous license model difficult – if not impossible – to continue. This session will be an open discussion about licensing and the various positions and needs of the community.
licensing gpl bsd dual rdma infiniband open fabrics alliance proprietary
Susan Coulter
Los Alamos National Laboratory / Open Fabrics AllianceBiography
Susan Coulter is the HPC Network Lead at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Susan is currently the acting Chair of the Open Fabrics Alliance.