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Integrating and running all the kernel tests
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One Line Summary
Collecting, running and contributing kernel tests is still a challenge
At Facebook, we built a continuous integration infrastructure to do validation on our kernel releases. We run tests on our development branchs and on the upstream kernel.
We integrated some of the obvious candidates (LTP, kernel selftests, xfstests, test modules) and we’ll highlight the challenges of doing so.
A few questions still remains. What’s the best location for new tests? How can we ensure we have a better coverage to catch more functional and performance regression?
What’s would be a good way to collectively share the tests results?
Yannick Brosseau
Yannick is a Production Engineer at Facebook working on the kernel team. As such he works on improving the stability and performance of the kernels deployed on the Facebook infrastructure and develops testing, monitoring and deployment tools to help in this endeavor. Previously, he was a research associate at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal where he work on performance analysis tools for Linux, including contributing to the LTTng project. He also spent several years doing consultation work.