Device Tree track

Wednesday, November 2, 2016 from 9:30am12:30pm
Sweeney CDE

The Linux Plumbers 2016 Device Tree track is organized around the current pain points surrounding Device Tree.

Attendees are welcome to discuss issues related to overlays, but some key overlay developers will not be present.

Microconference Leader

Frank Rowand

Proposals for this track

* Device Tree Schema Discussion

A discussion about the revived Device Tree validation via shemas. (slides)
Device Tree 09/13/2016
Grant Likely

* devictree: hardware vs configuration vs policy

Where should configuration and policy information be located; devicetree or elsewhere? (slides)
Device Tree 09/06/2016
Frank Rowand

* Introduction

Introduce agenda and people
Device Tree 10/28/2016
Frank Rowand

* Overlays, connectors, plugins, overlay managers

Ask questions about and make suggestions regarding overlays, connectors, plugins, overlay managers
Device Tree 10/27/2016
Frank Rowand

* status of devicetree debug tools and techniques

Review of recently added debug tools. Discussion of what additional tools would be useful. (slides)
Device Tree 09/13/2016
Frank Rowand