Android, partitions and customization


One Line Summary

How the Android project is trying to make builds more modular and allow a wider variety of devices to run on the same binary image.


Discussion of the ongoing effort within the Android project to make the build and binaries more modular with the goal to make device bringup easier and faster.

Presentation Materials



  • Biography

    Rom Lemarchand,
    Staff Engineer, Android Systems.

    Rom has been working in the consumer electronics industry for over 10 years. Originally working on various proprietary operating systems, he switched to Android about 6 years ago.

    Rom joined the Android team at Google in 2012 and since then has been working on a variety of subsystems (graphics, memory…) and devices (Nexus 9, Android One…).

    Rom holds a degree in Computer Science from Universite de Rouen and a Masters in Software Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University.