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Linux Kernel Debugging Tools Overview
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One Line Summary
Overview of Linux Kernel Debugging Tools
Software and bugs go together, and the Linux Kernel is no exception. Some bugs are easy to find, but some are harder to reproduce and could require several attempts to piece together the right set of conditions to trigger a specific bug. While bugs that result in a system crash or hang are easier spot it is often more challenging to gather the information necessary to debug and fix. In many cases, Kernel logs can provide insight into these bugs, but when a system crashes or freezes Kernel logs might not get the chance to be written out to disk.
In this talk, Shuah will give an overview of Kernel debug interfaces and tools.
Presentation Materials
Shuah Khan
Samsung- Blog: http://blogs.s-osg.org/
Shuah Khan is a Senior Linux Kernel Developer at Samsung’s Open Source Group. She is a Linux Kernel Maintainer and Contributor who focuses on Media driver Power Management and Linux Power Management. She maintains Kernel Selftest framework. She has contributed to IOMMU, and DMA areas. In addition, she is helping with stable release kernel testing. She authored Linux Kernel Testing and Debugging paper published on the Linux Journal and writes Linux Journal kernel news articles. She has presented at several Linux conferences.