Martin Pohlack


Martin Pohlack studied computer science at the TU Dresden, Germany,
where he received his Master in 2003 for work on real-time scheduling
of disk requests. He joined the operating system’s group of
Prof. Härtig at TU Dresden as a PhD student in 2003 and worked in the
areas of real-time systems, microkernel-based systems, and runtime
monitoring for real-time systems. Martin Pohlack joined AMD’s
Operating System Research Center to work on AMD’s Advanced
Synchronization Facility (hardware transactional memory) in 2008. In
2013, he started working for Amazon Web Services on kernel and
hypervisor topics as well as scalability and performance.

Sessions for this user

* Exploring synergies between Linux Kernel and Xen hypervisor live patching

A quick introduction into the design space for live patching for Xen. (slides)
Live Kernel Patching
Martin Pohlack