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SIL2LinuxMP: GNU/Linux Multicore platform for safety related systems
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One Line Summary
Certifying GNU/Linux for safety
In the past decade there have been a number of key publications on using COTS, including open-source, for safety related systems. A series of UK HSE reports as well as the US FRA report looked into COTS in the safety domain.
To address this growing need, The OSADL Safety Critical Linux Working Group, founded in 2007, has been preparing an open-source project called SIL2LinuxMP striving to prepare certification of a Linux RTOS (PREEMPT_RT) based platform to a systematic capability (SC)/safety integrity level (SIL) of 2 in accordance with IEC 61508 Edition 2.
In this talk we will outline the overall SIL2LinuxMP project and then focus on the safety case development issues. With a focus on the selection of the conformance route. While such a talk can only be sketchy we do hope that it will help in clarifying the big picture of “certifying GNU/Linux for safety”.
Presentation Materials
Nicholas Mc Guire
OpenTech EDV Research GmbHBiography
Nicholas McGuire’s first contact with Linux dates back to Linux kernel version 0.99.112, at a time when many rumors and myths were circulating about the fledgling open source operating system. McGuire first came into contact with RTLinux at RTL version 0.5, in the course of developing a DSP system replacement for magnetic bearing control, at the Institute for Material Science of the University of Vienna, Austria. McGuire began developing MiniRTL while RTLinux was at version 1.1, and has been engaged in RTLinux and MiniRTL based development work ever since.
- Title: SIL2LinuxMP: GNU/Linux Multicore platform for safety related systems
- Microconference: Real Time II
One Line Summary:
Certifying GNU/Linux for safety
- slides
- Speakers: Nicholas Mc Guire