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Welcome: Android upstreaming status
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One Line Summary
Karim Yaghmour gives an overview of the state of Android upstreaming
Kick off to the Android microconf.
State of the progress of upstreaming the Android kernel: what has been achieved, what’s left to be done.
Presentation Materials
Rom has been working in the consumer electronics industry for over 10 years. Originally working on various proprietary operating systems, he switched to Android about 5 years ago and hasn’t looked back since.
Rom joined Google in 2012 and since then has been working on lowering Android memory requirements and graphics.
Rom holds a degree in Computer Science from Universite de Rouen and a Masters in Software Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University.
- Title: Migrating code from ARM to ARM64
- Microconference: Android/Mobile
- Time: 4:05pm
One Line Summary:
Best practices for migrating code from ARM to ARM64
- slides
- Speakers: Rom Lemarchand
- Title: dma-fence & android sync
- Microconference: Android/Mobile
- Time: 1:50pm
One Line Summary:
explicit synchronization in the android graphics layers and mainlining efforts
- slides
- Speakers: Rom Lemarchand
- Title: Power management discussion: Big.Little
- Microconference: Android/Mobile
- Time: 6:30pm
One Line Summary:
Open discussion regarding big.little and more generally power management in Android
- Speakers: Rom Lemarchand
- Title: Moving code out of staging
- Microconference: Android/Mobile
- Time: 2:40pm
One Line Summary:
open discussion about moving the Android code out of staging
- Speakers: Rom Lemarchand
- Title: Welcome: Android upstreaming status
- Microconference: Android/Mobile
- Time: 1:30pm
One Line Summary:
Karim Yaghmour gives an overview of the state of Android upstreaming
- slides
- Speakers: Rom Lemarchand
- Title: Ion and the DMA coherency model
- Microconference: Android/Mobile
- Time: 2:15pm
One Line Summary:
A look at ion and how it handles memory coherency
- slides
- Speakers: Rom Lemarchand
- Title: Android/Mobile Wearables
- Microconference: BoF Track
- Room: Room 26
- Time: 6:30pm
One Line Summary:
Wearables, big.LITTLE, migration
- Speakers: Rom Lemarchand