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Extremely high speed and high coverage home wifi
This proposal has been accepted as a session.
One Line Summary
802.11ac speeds are great - if you're 3 feet away.
Google Fiber is a new service that brings gigabit-speed Internet connections to people’s homes at a reasonable price. But by removing the Internet bottleneck, we just expose the next ones, especially the limitations of wifi networks.
Avery can present the discoveries and data GFiber has obtained while rolling out “gigabit wifi” (which doesn’t exist) as well as identifying the next big problems that need to get solved. Hopefully this will lead into discussions of channel crowding, roaming, single-home mesh networks, router failover, the potential value of pure wifi repeaters, bridging with wired backhaul, latency and active queue management, limitations of TCP at high speeds with variable wifi latency, etc.
wireless, wifi, 802.11ac, aggregation, roaming, mesh, extenders, repeaters
Avery Pennarun
Google Fiber- Website: http://gfiber.googlesource.com/
- Blog: http://apenwarr.ca/log
- Twitter: apenwarr
Avery wrote his first three lines of code when he was five, but they remain unreleased due to patent problems. Since then, he’s co-founded four companies, sold one to IBM, created several popular open source projects (including wvdial, bup, sshuttle, redo, git-subtree, and netselect), and enjoyed a brief foray into marketing where he advertised software using fluffy bunny imagery. He now lives in New York working on Google Fiber’s next generation of wifi devices.
- Title: Extremely high speed and high coverage home wifi
- Microconference: Wireless Networking
One Line Summary:
802.11ac speeds are great – if you’re 3 feet away.
- Speakers: Avery Pennarun
- Title: Cloud-based wireless packet capture, sharing, analysis, and diagnosis
- Microconference: Wireless Networking
One Line Summary:
It would be a lot easier to debug this wifi problem if only you had a packet trace.
- Speakers: Avery Pennarun