Monthly Archives: July 2014

Early Registration Extended to August 15th

We have extended the early registration deadline for LPC 2014 to August 15th so that we can announce the refereed papers selection before the new deadline. Until August 15th the registration price remains 350USD. Effective August 16th 2014, the registration price will increase to 475USD. All other registration dates and prices have not changed. The […]

Final Group of Microconferences Accepted for LPC 2014

We are very pleased to announce the final four Microconferences accepted to this year’s edition of LPC. They are: Development Tools, IOMMU and VFIO, Live Kernel Patching and Tracing. Congratulations! We will continue to post detailed descriptions of each accepted session in the near future. We also would like to take the opportunity to announce […]

An In-Depth Look: Network Management Microconference

Let’s dive into another one of the accepted Microconferences for Linux Plumbers Conference 2014: Network Management. The pervasive use of networking by household appliances, sensor networks, manufacturing equipment, and even automobiles is posing quite a few challenges to network management. (Do you know which DNS server your car is using?) That said, one of the […]

Additional Microconferences Approved for LPC 2014

The LPC 2014 Planning Committee is pleased to announce the acceptance of 3 more Microconferences to this year conference! They are: Android/Mobile, LLVM and Energy-aware Scheduling and CPU Power Management. Congratulations! Look for more detailed posts on each of them. We also want to remind everyone that the LPC 2014 Planning committee is still reviewing […]

An In-Depth Look: Real Time Microconference

Let’s resume our series of in-depth looks at the LPC 2014 Microconference lineup by discussing the Real Time microconference. Ten years ago, many people asserted that it was not possible to achieve real-time latencies on a general-purpose OS such as Linux. This microconference will see some of OSADL’s long-term testing data that show just what […]

Refereed Presentation Submissions Deadline Is Tomorrow, July 11

We would like to remind everyone that, if you still haven’t sent in your submission for refereed track presentations, you have until tomorrow, July 11 2014, 11:59PM CET. To submit your proposal please follow the instructions on our participate page. As usual if you have questions feel free to contact us. We look forward to […]