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Reducing your patch workload with Patchwork
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One Line Summary
An overview and update on the Patchwork patch-tracking system.
Patchwork is a patch tracking system for community-based projects. It is intended to make the patch management process easier for both the project’s contributors and maintainers, leaving time for the more important (and more interesting) stuff.
Currently, Patchwork is being used for a number of open-source projects, mostly subsystems of the Linux kernel. Although Patchwork has been developed with the kernel workflow in mind, the aim is to be flexible enough to suit the majority of community projects.
Since last year’s Patchwork presentation at Linux Plumber’s Conference, several new features have been introduced, including some from suggestions raised there. This presentation will explain some of these changes, and how they may fit with your day-to-day workflow.
As well as covering the recent updates, the presentation will include some of Patchwork’s design philosophies, to frame a discussion about future Patchwork development – what has been helpful so far, what hasn’t, and where to go from here.
tools, web, patch-tracking, patchwork
Presentation Materials
Jeremy Kerr
Canonical- Website: http://ozlabs.org/~jk/
- Twitter: jeremymeep
Jeremy Kerr works as a Linux kernel developer for Canonical’s hardware enablement team. When the kernel gets too much to handle, he escapes to the rainbows and unicorns world of web development, bringing you the patchwork patch-tracking system.
Jeremy has contributed to a range of other Open Source projects as well, such as petitboot (a GUI bootloader), K42 (a research operating system), and nfsim (the netfilter simulation environment). His interests lie in Linux kernel development, system-level programming (anything from microcontrollers to supercomputer clusters) and never having to use C++ again.