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The New ExFAT file system
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One Line Summary
The Study of ExFAT file system and key differences with respect to FAT32
The new ExFAT file system can be used in hight storage supported mobile phone, net-books and note books.The FAT32 is still used in embedded storage system because of its compatibility with multiple operating systems such as Windows, Linux and Mac OS. The size of embedded storage is growing in a fast phase and creating a need for the multi os,in particular windows and Linux, compatible supported file system and addressing the higher size memory more than typically 32GB of flash memories. This paper makes an attempt to study of the ExFAT file system which is an successor of FAT32 and suitable for higher storage size embedded systems. The ExFAT is also known as FAT64 and it is extension of FAT32 instead of NTFS to retain the simplicity of implemenation of FAT32 and improve the file system. The key differences between the ExFAT, FAT32 and NTFS with performance numbers also discussed in this paper.
ExFAT, FAT32, NTFS, file system, Storage drivers
Keshava Munegowda is currently working as Senior Software Engineer,in Texas Instruments India Pvt Limited, Bangalore. He obtained B E degree in Computer science and Engineering in 2001 from Bangalore University,India., and M-Tech degree in computer Science and Engineering in 2004 from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, Karnataka,INDIA. keshava’s areas of interest are storage drivers , file system, USB device drivers, security and network protocols.
After graduating with an Engineering degree in Electronics, Venkat has spent over 10 years with many wireless chipset development companies, working on communication protocols (2G and 3G). Most of the work is implemented on the previous generation of ARM chipsets (ARM7, ARM9 etc) In his current role as a Lead engineer in Texas Instruments’ Linux Development Center, Venkat primarily works on storage device drivers (NAND, MMC/SD, SATA etc) on the OMAP platform.