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Checkpoint/Restart: Present, Goals and Blockers
This proposal has been rejected.
One Line Summary
Issues blocking advanced and general usage of checkpoint/restart in desktop/non-HPC environments.
Traditionally checkpoint and restart of system and application
containers have been largely utilized in the High Performance Computing (HPC) field where specialized limitations on checkpoint/restart implementations were often acceptable. This talk discusses the limits of the checkpoint/restart solution proposed for mainline and relates those limits to typical desktop (non-HPC) userspace environments. The talk will conclude with issues blocking more advanced and general usage of checkpoint/restart with the intent of leading into fruitful discussion at the checkpoint/restart BoF/miniconf.
Vivek Kashyap
Vivek works in IBM’s Linux Technology Center leading Linux Containers, Application mobility and Network Virtualization. Vivek has worked on Linux resource management, delay-accounting, Energy & hardware management, and authored InfiniBand, IPoIB, IEEE 802.1Qbg protocol standards and worked on corresponding implementation in Linux.