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Reality of PREEMPT_RT in the field
*One Line Summary
PREEMPT_RT users provide insight in use cases and experience
Users of the real-time preemption patch will give insight into their usage scenarios, the up- and downsides of development and deployment and their expectations for the further development of PREEMPT_RT.
We will have a presenter from the embedded industrial control space and a presenter from the enterprise RT camp.
Real time developer at TRUMPF
Long time Linux kernel hacker with embedded background and a strong affinity to impossible missions.
(Co)Maintainer for x86, everything timers, generic interrupt subsystem and some more in the Linux Kernel. Desperately keeping the real-time preemption patch in shape and merging it piecewise into the mainline kernel.
David Sperry
Long time research and development engineer of new large-scale real-time systems primarily in the civil and defense markets.
Currently sharing time between supporting a large deployment of PREEMPT_RT Linux based systems and designing future real-time HPC systems. Recently a part of the Raytheon/IBM technical team representing the users of the PREEMPT_RT Kernel for the US Navy’s Zumwalt program.