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Rodrigo Bruno

Rodrigo Bruno
Instituto Superior Técnico / INESC-ID LisboaBiography
Rodrigo Bruno received his BSc (2012) and MSc (2014) degrees both from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon, where he is now pursuing
a PhD degree while being a researcher at the Distributed Systems Group at INESC-ID
Lisboa. He is also a teaching assistant also at IST. His research interests
include Peer-To-Peer networks, Cloud Computing, Large-scale Systems, Operating
Systems, Big Data, and Virtualization.
Proposals for this user
* Improving JVM Application Migration and Profiling with Checkpoint/Restore
Improving JVM migration and profiling by comibing C/R with internal JVM knowledge/techniques.
Checkpoint-Restart | 08/16/2017 |
Rodrigo Bruno |