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Update on Devboards in AOSP (HiKey/HiKey960)
*One Line Summary
Recent and future developments on devboards supported in AOSP.
Covering recent developments with new devboards and mezzanine peripherals supported by AOSP. Overview of benefits to Android developers, the upstream kernel community, pain points, discussion and feedback.
Presentation Materials
Dmitry Shmidt
Google, IncBiography
Dmitry Shmidt, working with Google, has for a number of years been focused on getting Android development easier for community.
He has also recently collaborated with others to get the 96boards HiKey board in AOSP.
Previously, he worked on Android wifi stack.
John Stultz
John Stultz, working with Linaro, has for a number of years been focused on getting Android functionality upstream into the mainline kernel.
He has also recently collaborated with others to get the 96boards HiKey board in AOSP and working to get its functionality upstream as well.
Previously, he worked on x86 server enablement, and Enterprise Realtime Linux.
He’s also a maintainer of the Linux timekeeping subsystem.