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Common Trace Format 2.0
*One Line Summary
Presentation of upcoming Common Trace Format (CTF) 2.0, discussion of use-cases.
The work on Common Trace Format (CTF) 2.0 is ongoing (https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/diamon-discuss/2016-October/000099.html). This would be a presentation of the main improvements to expect over CTF 1.8, and discussion in order to ensure the new major version of the format is a good fit for the audience use-cases.
tracing, Common Trace Format
Presentation Materials
Mathieu Desnoyers
EfficiOS- Website: http://www.efficios.com/
- Blog: http://lttng.org/blog
- Twitter: DesnoyersMa
- Favorites: View Mathieu's favorites
Mathieu Desnoyers main contributions are in the area of tracing (monitoring/performance analysis/debugging) and scalability, both at the kernel and user-space levels. He maintains the LTTng project, the Userspace RCU library, as well as the Linux kernel membarrier system call. He works in close collaboration with the telecommunication industry, many Linux distributions, and with customers developing hardware scaling from small embedded devices to
large-deployment servers. He is CEO and Senior Software Architect at EfficiOS.