Monthly Archives: September 2017

Linux Plumbers Conference Unconference Schedule Announced

Since we only have six proposals, we can schedule them in the unconference session without any need for actual voting at breakfast.  On a purely random basis, the schedule will be: Unconference I: 09:30 Test driven development (TDD) in the kernel – Knut Omang 11:00 Support for adding DT based thermal zones at runtime – […]

New to Plumbers: Unconference on Friday

The hallway track is always a popular feature of Linux Plumbers Conference.  New ideas and solutions emerge all the time.  But sometimes you start a discussion, and want to pull others in before the conference ends, and just can’t quite make it work. This year, we’re trying an experiment at Linux Plumbers and reserving a […]

Linux Plumbers Conference Preliminary Schedule Published

You can see the schedule by clicking on the ‘schedule’ tab above or by going to this url If you’d like any changes, please email and we’ll see what we can do to accommodate your request. Please also remember that the schedule is subject to change.

Testing and Fuzzing Microconference Accepted into the Linux Plumbers Conference

We’re pleased to announce that newcomer Microconference Testing and Fuzzing will feature at Plumbers in Los Angeles this year. The Agenda will feature the three fuzzers used for the Linux Kernel (Trinity, Syzkaller and Perf) along with discussion of formal verification tools, discussion of how to test stable trees, testing frameworks and also a discussion […]