December 6, 2016 – 7:51 pm
It’s our pleasure to announce that Linux Plumbers Conference 2017 will take place on September 13-15 2017, in Los Angeles, California, USA. The conference will be co-located with the Linux Foundation Open Source Summit North America.
Stay tuned for more information as the Linux Plumbers Conference committee is starting to plan for the 2017 edition.
We hope you’ll join us in 2017.
The LPC Planning Team.
November 4, 2016 – 10:18 pm
We have a map here for you to locate the compound with
October 24, 2016 – 12:36 am
Santa Fe is at an altitude of 7,200 feet (2,200m). There are a few things that attendees who are not used to higher altitudes may want to bear in mind:
- Give yourself some time to acclimate — take it easy the first 24-48 hours of your trip and plan quieter activities before going all out with higher-intensity endeavors.
- The humidity at this altitude is much lower than most people are used to. It is surprisingly easy to become dehydrated, so make a point of drinking water regularly. Watch out for caffeine and alcohol, which can worsen dehydration. Note that some people feel the effects of alcohol more strongly at altitude; be careful until you know how you respond.
- Eat foods that promote oxygen use – like complex carbohydrates (whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes).
- Know the signs of altitude sickness – and they are not a sign of weakness! Let someone know if you start feeling headaches, dizziness, nausea/vomiting, and intense fatigue.
- Don’t be fooled by the late-season sun, it’s easy to get sunburned at this altitude.
- Temperatures can vary widely over the course of the day; be prepared for a chilly evening even if the day is pleasant.
October 18, 2016 – 8:06 pm
All our block bookings at the hotels have now expired. However, if you still haven’t booked a hotel, it may still be possible for the Linux Foundation to get you a room at one of them at the conference rate (availability permitting). Please email if you are interested in this option.
September 30, 2016 – 2:49 pm
The last batch of registrations for the 2016 Linux Plumbers Conference will be available starting at noon Eastern Time (EDT) on October 1. This will be the last chance to register to attend the conference. Those interested should visit the registration web site after that time.
The schedule for the conference has been posted, which includes information on the microconferences (and the discussions planned for those) as well as the refereed talks. Any conflicts noted should be sent to
We hope to see you in Santa Fe!
September 26, 2016 – 8:50 pm
The Linux Plumbers conference schedule has now been updated to include the accepted refereed talk proposals. As usual, we’ve tried to make sure the conflicts are minimised, but if anyone needs a change to the timing of their talk, please email
September 19, 2016 – 7:00 pm
Every year we get a number of constraints on Microconferences which we try hard to accommodate. Accounting for all of those, we’ve put the preliminary schedule up here. If you notice any problems, please email and we’ll try to fix it
Also note, this is preliminary, the Microconferences may still move around as we get requests to change them. Also note that the times of talks within Microconferences is highly likely to change (please see the MC leaders if you want this to change).
September 10, 2016 – 6:20 pm
The Linux kernel community has been using Git for more than a decade, but it is still under active development, with more than 2,000 non-merge commits from almost 200 contributors over the past year. Rather than review this extensive history, this Micro Git Together instead focuses on what the next few years might bring. In addition, Junio Hamano will present on the state of the Git Union, Josh Triplett will present on the git-series project, and Steve Rostedt will present “A Maze Of Git Scripts All Alike”, in which Steve puts forward the radical notion that common function in various maintainers’ scripts could be pulled into Git itself. This should help lead into a festive discussion about the future of Git.
Please join us for an important discussion!
September 7, 2016 – 1:49 pm
LPC registration will open up on September 8 at noon Eastern Time (EDT) with a very limited number of slots available. Those interested in attending the conference who have not yet registered will want to visit the registration web site after that time. There will also be a very limited number of late registrations that will be available starting on October 1.
Another way to get a pass to the nearly sold out conference would be to submit a refereed track proposal before September 8. Each accepted talk will get one free pass to LPC.
September 6, 2016 – 4:38 pm
Audio is an increasingly important component of the Linux plumbing, given increased use of Linux for media workloads and of the Linux kernel for smartphones. Topics include low-latency audio, use of the clock API, propagating digital configuration through dynamic audio power management (DAPM), integration of HDA and ASoC, SoundWire ALSA use-case managemer (UCM) scalability, standardizing HDMI and DisplayPort interfaces, Media Controller API integration, and a number of topics relating to the multiple userspace users of Linux-kernel audio, including Android and ChromeOS as well as the various desktop-oriented Linux distributions.
As with many Linux-kernel components, upstreaming of vendor drivers and handling of stable and long term-stable (LTS) trees are also important topics.
Please join us for a timely and important discussion!