Systematic testing of fault handling code in Linux kernel

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50 Minute Talk
Scheduled: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 from 4:30 – 5:20pm in Room 8

One Line Summary

The target audience is Linux kernel developers as well as anyone who
is interested in advanced verification and testing techniques, for example,
to build, verify and certify safety or security critical systems on top of Linux kernel.


“The talk presents a method to extend coverage of existing tests by systematic and targeted fault injection in Linux kernel. The method is developed within Linux File System Verification project that aims to provide an exhaustive test suite for Linux file system drivers.

The presented method of fault injection allows to systematically simulate faults dedicated to a file system driver under test (faults of memory allocation requests, bio layer, etc.). That means it does not introduce faults into requests coming from other modules and it implements systematic iteration of fault situations versus a prevailing random approach.

The talk presents results of experiments with the method, defines requirements to tests so they can be used with the method and discusses lessons learnt so far."


  • Alexey Khoroshilov

    Linux Verification Center of ISPRAS


    Alexey Khoroshilov is a director of the Linux Verification Center of Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He has graduated from Computer Sciences Department of the Lomonosov’s Moscow State University with honour and received a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences on the Formal Specification and Testing of Asynchronous Systems.

    He has more than 50 research publications and has presented at numerous scientific and developer conferences. Alexey is also an author of more than 100 patches to Linux kernel that were prepared within Linux Driver Verification project (>