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User-level threads....... with threads.
This proposal has been accepted as a session.
One Line Summary
New Scheduler support allowing cooperative scheduling on top of a a 1:1 threading model.
Multi-threaded programming is hard. Synchronous interfaces can help,
but typically require lighter-weight representation of concurrency
than a thread to implement efficiently. Frustratingly, this leads to
a proliferation of both asynchronous and synchronous interfaces,
depending on the language used.
Over the past year we’ve been looking at how a uniform, performant,
synchronous programming model can be implemented across all of
Google’s core languages (C++, Java, Go, Python), while maintaining
compatibility with existing code.
In this talk I will discuss new kernel interfaces which allow the use
of regular threads in a co-operative fashion, with <200ns
context-switch times, and how new user-level primitives built on top of
this support.
performance, scalability, threading
Presentation Materials
Paul Turner
Paul works on systems infrastructure at Google.
His interests lie primarily in the cpu scheduling and memory management sub-systems, with a focus on improving latency under high-frequency operations and scalability.
- Title: User-level threads....... with threads.
- Microconference: Scaling
- Time: 3:05pm
One Line Summary:
New Scheduler support allowing cooperative scheduling on top of a a 1:1 threading model.
- slides
- Speakers: Paul Turner