How to make the unified arch/x86/ tree of the Kernel work with clang - status, problems, roadmap

This proposal has been accepted as a session.

Accepted Session
Microconference Session

One Line Summary

Update on the current progress and solving/discussing current problems for x86_64/i586.


In this talk Jan-Simon Möller will give a short update on the state of the x86_64 side of things of the LLVMLinux project.
We’ll discuss which and how or where the issues have been resolved.
The focus will be on solving one or multiple current issues with the patchset and how to speed up the upstreaming work into the Linux Kernel or LLVM/Clang as well as the the roadmap.


linux, kernel, LLVM, Clang, x86_64, upstream, i586, arch/x86/, gcc

Presentation Materials



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