
Summary Box

Call for Microconference Topics

The Linux Plumbers Conference is pleased to solicit your suggestions for Microconference topics. Microconferences are the heart of the Linux Plumbers Conference. Each microconference is a half-day or longer working session and is headed by a “Runner” who typically is given the responsibility to solicit and select presenters for the microconference. If you’d like to propose a microconference, please add the topic name to the wiki page we’ve created for this purpose (links in the Summary Box above). Ideally, you’d create a subpage and provide canddiate names for a runner, and some information about what you’d like to see as discussion topics or presentations.You do not need to be a Runner candidate yourself, nor even a candidate presenter to submit a Microconference topic. Please do leave your contact information, at the very least, however, in case we have questions.

As an example, 2011 LPC Microconferences included Audio, Bufferbloat and Networking, Cloud, Containers and Cgroups, Desktop, Development Tools, Early Boot and Init Systems, File and Storage Systems, Mobile, Power Management, Scaling, Tracing, Unified Memory Management, and Virtualization.

If you have any issues or questions concerning the wiki page or microconferences, please contact us.

Call for Refereed Track Proposals

The Linux Plumbers Conference is pleased to announce its Call for Refereed Track Proposals. The refereed  track talks are approximately 45 mins long, and are closer to a traditional conference presentation format than the Microconference discussions. We do, however, encourage work in progress that would benefit from discussion and engagement with area experts and users.  Submissions are open until 11:59PM, PT, May 15, 2012.

This year, we are using new software mechanism (Launchpad Blueprints) to handle proposal submissions, so please do read our instructions extremely carefully before entering your proposal, as some of the fields required are very specific and non-intuitive. You can go to our Proposal Submission Page to submit your proposal for a refereed-track talk.  Alternatively, you can submit via email as described here.

Anti-Harassment/Discrimination Policy

The Linux Plumbers conference is a working conferences intended for professional networking and collaboration in the Linux community. Participants are expected to behave according to professional standards and in accordance with their employer’s policies on appropriate workplace behavior.

While at the Linux Plumbers Conference or related social networking opportunities, attendees should not engage in discriminatory or offensive speech or actions regarding gender, sexuality, race, or religion. Speakers should be especially aware of these concerns.

We do not condone any statements by speakers contrary to these standards, and we reserves the right to deny entrance to any individual.

Please bring any concerns to to the immediate attention of a member of the Linux Plumbers Conference planning committee, or contact either Elena Zannoni or Grant Likely. We thank our attendees for their help in keeping the Linux Plumbers Conference professional, welcoming and friendly.

This policy is derived from the Linux Foundation’s anti-harassment and discrimination policy which applies to all Linux Foundation events.