September 17, 2012 – 4:56 pm
The slides and videos for LPC 2012 are now available online at . The list of videos on the website is complete – if you do not see a video for a particular session, that indicates the session was not recorded. Also, please note that not all of the sessions have slides available – some presenters chose not to use them due to the collaborative nature of the session, and a few presenters have not provided their slides. We have posted all of the slides that are available at this time. In addition, if EtherPad was used during a session, those notes are linked from the resources page, so everything is in one place.
Many thanks to Ubicast for recording the conference sessions and providing video hosting services.
September 9, 2012 – 8:07 pm
We’re still working on getting all the slides and videos from LPC 2012 collected and published online. Everything should be complete in a week or two – lots of folks kept traveling after the conference, so it’s taking a bit longer than anticipated to sort everything out. Stay tuned to this blog or follow us on Twitter (@linuxplumbers) for notification when everything is up.
September 2, 2012 – 1:56 am
Thanks to all of you for helping make this year’s LPC a success. We hope you learned a lot, got some good work done, and had fun at the closing party. If you have any feedback, positive or negative, on the conference, or suggestions on the future, please send it to
We’re looking forward to seeing everyone in New Orleans next year at LPC 2013!
August 31, 2012 – 4:26 pm
We hope you’ve enjoyed the conference so far! Tonight we will be having an LPC-only (no LinuxCon or Cloud crossover) event at El Vitral in the Gaslamp Quarter. Buses will begin leaving the hotel at 6 and continue until 6:30 or so. Please be sure to bring your conference badge as well as identification such as a driver’s license – the restaurant sometimes checks IDs. We’ll be serving a buffet dinner and drinks all evening.
August 30, 2012 – 5:50 pm
We’ll be holding a BOF session at 11am on Friday to discuss the strategic long-term direction of the Linux Plumbers Conference. If you have any ideas or thoughts about how you think the conference should go in the future, join us in Nautilus 3.
August 30, 2012 – 3:51 pm
Thursday night’s event will take place at the Hotel Del Coronado, a historic beachfront property built in 1888. Buses will be leaving from outside the Grand Ballroom Foyer (in front of the Linux Con keynote room near the Intel booth) between 6-7PM. You must go to the Intel booth and get a ticket in order to attend. Attendance will be limited, so get your ticket now!
August 29, 2012 – 6:46 pm
A new BOF focusing on TI processors has been scheduled for tomorrow, 8/30, during lunch. If you have any interest in the topic, or questions, there should be several experts available for discussion. The BOF will be held in Nautilus 1. There is also a BOF today at lunch in Nautilus 2 on C-state Governor.
BOFs are an important part of LPC and allow developers to get together to discuss a common interest. If you have a topic and would like to hold a BOF session of your own, contact a committee member (identifiable by the green and gold committee ribbon on their badge, or see the list of committee members in the link provided) to schedule a time and location. We’ll announce your BOF here and on our Twitter feed.
August 29, 2012 – 6:32 pm
Tonight’s event, sponsored by Qualcomm and Code Aurora, will be at Bali Hai restaurant. This event is joint with LinuxCon and Cloud Open. We’ll be taking water taxis to the venue, so meet in the lobby of the hotel between 6:00 and 7:00 and you will be directed to where you need to go. Please be sure to bring your ID and your conference badge. The number of attendees is limited, so you must pick up a ticket at the Qualcomm table if you want to go.
In addition, The Linux Foundation will be holding elections for the Technical Advisory Board (TAB) tonight, so if you want to vote, be sure to attend.
August 29, 2012 – 12:12 am
We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at the opening reception tonight at the Sheraton. The reception will be held in the Lanai area of the hotel, which is a grassy area out back by the water. We’ll post signs in the lobby to help you find us, but the directions are simple. From the main lobby, exit the back of the hotel onto the patio. Go down the stairs and hang a right at the whale fountain. Follow the sidewalk until you hit the reception area.
This reception is for LPC attendees only (and spouses with an event pass). This is not a full dinner reception – we’ll have drinks and some cheese and crackers, so you should consider having dinner before you come out.
August 27, 2012 – 2:20 pm
While the hotel runs a free shuttle to the airport, sometimes wait times are up to 30 minutes. Since the Sheraton is essentially across the road from the airport, it’s also very easy to walk, especially if you’ve arrived in Terminal 1. We’ve provided a map and directions on our Attend page – just click here and then scroll down to the Air Travel section. If you are staying at the Hilton, you’re adding just over half a mile to the walk, so you might want to wait for their shuttle.