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Linux Power Management Experiences on Moorestown
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One Line Summary
How Linux handles the power management challenges of the Moorestown platform.
With Intel’s Moorestown hand-held platform, x86 faces novel power management challenges.
Moorestown is implemented with two chips. The Lincroft Atom north complex is PC-compatible. However, Moorestown’s Langwell south-complex drops all PC compatibility, instead supplying devices tailored for low power hand-held use.
Previous talks have covered how Linux responded to the loss of PC-compatibility on this platform. Here we focus on the power management challenges. In particular, Linux run-time device power management was in development at the same time as Moorestown hardware, and turned out to be a key piece of the final product, touching platform components as well as every device driver in the system.
Presentation Materials
Len Brown
Intel OTCBiography
Len is a Principal Engineer at Intel’s
Opensource Technology Center (OTC).
He focuses on power management, and
has maintained the Linux Kernel ACPI
sub-system for 7 years.