
Gerald Carter


Gerald Carter

Likewise Software


Gerald Carter is currently employed by Likewise Software as Director of Engineering and as the project lead for Likewise Open, an open source effort to make integration into Microsoft dominated networks simple for both network administrators and application developers. He has been developing, writing about, and teaching on Open Source since the late 90’s at events such as LISA, LinuxWorld Expo, SANE, SambaXP, OSCON, and the SNIA SDC. He was a member of the Samba core development team from 1998 – 2009 and has authored both “LDAP System Administration” and the third edition of “Using Samba” and for O’Reilly Publishing. He has held previous positions at HP and VA Linux systems and completed his term on the Usenix Association’s Board of Directors in June of this year.

Proposals for this user

* Linux Multitenant File Servers using Likewise-CIFS

The paper will explain the architecture used by the Likewise-CIFS file server to enable Linux hosts to concurrently operate as a member of multiple Microsoft Active Directory domains. (slides)
Refereed Presentations 07/20/2010
Gerald Carter